Stepping Off the Overthinking Hamster Wheel


SKU: Overthinking Category:


If life is showing up as a LOT of hard work, effort, trauma, drama, upset & intrigue and not very much joy…this class might want to interrupt those patterns and bring you back feeling connected and hopeful.

What if everything you once imagined is actually possible?

What if everything was possible with at least, half the effort you’re currently using to get it?

We’ll be playing with some magical tools and a process that will help you effortlessly amp up your ability to have the joy that’s possible, the joy that can be created, the joy life can be.

You’ll receive…

  • Instant Access to the Audio & Video recordings
  • Playbook & Journal Pages
  • Energy Exercises (done during Zoom) separated on audios for ongoing use

As a bonus you’ll also receive…

  • Mande’s Personal recalibrate audio loop


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